
Full Post List

Jul 26, 2024: Fact: in North Macedonia they don’t know how to serve G&T. No ice, some just bring you the tonic separately, and so on…

Jul 26, 2024: Those slow summer spot vibes! #lakeprespa #northmacedonia 🇲🇰

Jul 26, 2024: Lunching by a lake, on a summer day, while listening to even softer versions of soft rock. Yeah… Feeling lazy.

Jul 26, 2024: Always drink the local beer 🇲🇰

Jul 24, 2024: Quick picks from the last few hot summer days in Berat.

Jul 22, 2024: Berat, Albania

Jul 21, 2024: Tirana. …and none of those was my driver…

Jul 21, 2024: Frankfurt ✈️

Jul 14, 2024: Lazy Sundays

Jul 14, 2024: Sunny Saturdays

Jul 13, 2024: Despite not being a parent I can relate with this a lot: as a trip gets closer an anxiety starts to creep inside me, until it burts when I depart. …

Jul 10, 2024: Dusky skies near the airport.

Jul 8, 2024: All this thing of using Arc Browser for Windows was fun while it lasted, now it doesn’t start at all, regardless of how many times I’m …

Jul 8, 2024: I’m so, so used to launching a terminal window in Linux using Ctrl-Alt-T that often I do the same in Windows and remain waiting for that …

Jul 6, 2024: Selecção Nacional, essa coisa linda onde as vitórias são por causa dos jogadores do meu clube mas as derrotas são culpa dos jogadores dos outros.

Jul 5, 2024: 🇵🇹 match day commute

Jul 4, 2024: I guess summer nights are here.

Jun 29, 2024: Summer in a plate, in a summer day that’s anything but that…

Jun 29, 2024: A moment to remember.

Jun 25, 2024: Before the Euro some algorithm picked England as the clear favorite to win. Have no idea how it got there, because their lame football surprises …

Jun 23, 2024: Sunday morning means Feira do Relógio.

Jun 22, 2024: Darktable, the open source photo developer I use (and built film emulation presets), has two releases per year. You can almost adjust your calendar on …

Jun 20, 2024: Commute naps…

Jun 18, 2024: O que eu me ri com isto!!! 🤣🤣🤣 “Nigel Mansell diz que teria destruído Prost em 1993 na Williams - Autoracing”

Jun 15, 2024: The title pretty much sums up the state of AI gadgets: where rushed to market. “Modder gets Android on the Rabbit R1 AI gadget”

Jun 15, 2024: A Joana consegue acertar em cheio em varias coisas que fazem comichão, uma é esta: malta que insiste inchar as frases com palavras bonitas, que se …

Jun 15, 2024: Because what everybody wants is a shiny, chrome Cybertruck… “A Cybertruck owner says fingerprints aren’t a problem if you polish …

Jun 15, 2024: If not for the rest, open this to listen the ASMR video. “Pentax’s new film camera is called the Pentax 17 – and these leaked images …

Jun 12, 2024: O Boucherie deveria ser aquele tipo de gajo que se apanhasse um 25 de Abril pela manhã a reação seria “Só faltava esta, desviem lá os tanques …

Jun 10, 2024: A terminar de ver o último episódio d' “A Conspiração”, que documento histórico do caraças!!

Jun 10, 2024: I have a really long backlog of unprocessed photos, but sometimes I actually do process them but end up not doing anything with them. Not sharing, not …

Jun 6, 2024: Ordered some small random stuff from Amazon, “needed” to add something to fill the package

Jun 6, 2024: Commute mobile snaps

Jun 5, 2024: How often you miss your exit station because you were taking a photo? Just happened to me, again…

Jun 2, 2024: Kickstarting June in Lisbon

May 31, 2024: Summer is upon us.

May 31, 2024: A good friday is when something planned to arrive late next week knocks on your door!

May 31, 2024: I love receiving packages earlier than expected, but when they say the expected delivery date is a week from now I’m not expecting to receive a …

May 27, 2024: Com o novo aeroporto de Lisboa muita gente veio defender Beja, que com TGV estará a apenas a 1h, etc. Nada contra, mas parece que partem de uma …

May 27, 2024: Leclerc’s win was the second race this season I missed that I’d love to have watched, the other was Lando’s win. Maybe I should put …

May 26, 2024: Just a sunny Sunday. Snaps from earlier today on the South Bank.

May 26, 2024: Ehhhh… No! “Can the Product Owner and the Scrum Master Be the Same Person?"

May 24, 2024: Ride back home…

May 23, 2024: I really hope Google doesn’t axe Snapseed, still is my favorite editing app on mobile, and I don’t think merging this into Photos would be …

May 23, 2024: “Why are we obsessed in getting the camera as small as possible, but that can’t do anything?” Jokes aside, this camera seems such a …

May 21, 2024: More and more I hate flying! Not that I’m afraid of flying, actually the time in the airplane is the eye of the storm of this thing called …

May 21, 2024: Just realized the web version of Instagram Threads now does columns. I like that a lot, mostly because I tend to follow photographers there. If we …

May 21, 2024: Mais um exemplo que o turismo na realidade não quer saber dos lugares, o ideal seria mesmo ficarem totalmente esvaziados, para assim ficar livre para …

May 20, 2024: Just read the title, the joke writes itself. People are running out of ideas when designing concept cars? At some meeting someone thought “let’s …

May 18, 2024: Todas as vezes que vejo imagens do Abascal e o Ventura juntos, um está completamente star-struck e o outro com o ar “se o mundo fosse justo …

May 17, 2024: I don’t like to discuss gear, because usually that’s all about numbers and pixel peeping, but I do like to discuss gear choices, because …

May 17, 2024: Still in the aftermath of Gustavo Minas workshop last weekend, one thing I really enjoy watching the outcome of when several photographers share the …

May 16, 2024: Cada vez que se fala do aeroporto vamos sempre desenterrar isto, não é? “Alcochete Jamé”

May 16, 2024: This is a new one when purchasing something online: it’s just big blank screen with this message… Nothing else…

May 15, 2024: Not all F1 legends lap everyone else and win four championships in a row. Some do earn that title the hard way, running in the back of the pack. …

May 15, 2024: “a deslocação das pistas cerca de 1,6 quilómetros para sul ou a sua reorientação para que os voos de aproximação não passem por cima daquela …

May 13, 2024: About this last weekend, there’s only one thing to talk about: workshop with the talented Gustavo Minas. Literally two very full days, of …

May 10, 2024: For you Fujifilm users out there: how many times have you opened Twitter on your mobile phone, when what you really wanted was to pull a photo from …

May 10, 2024: O problema não é apenas pessoas que não leram um livro. Eu posso ter doutoramento em Física Quântica, mas isso não me dá autoridade para falar de …

May 8, 2024: I hate you Teams, I hate you so much…

May 8, 2024: Yesterday’s forgotten snap

May 7, 2024: Moral das redes nestes dias: só não podemos ser racistas para emigrantes bonzinhos, para o resto é indiferente. Deve ser a mesma malta que acredita na …

May 6, 2024: Ontem foi dia de dar um salto à exposição ROOF do Mário Cruz, em dia de visita guiada do Ciclo Narrativa, e a atenção ao detalhe a expor um trabalho …

May 4, 2024: O último episódio do podcast da Narrativa sobre o último projecto do Mário Cruz já é sobre um tema forte, todo o problema crónico da habitação, mas …

May 3, 2024: Recently I noticed someone complaining some photography Youtubers are bad photographers. What’s the problem with that?! I’m watching their …

Apr 30, 2024: Sabes que estás no centro de Espanha quando entras no wallpaper do Windows XP

Apr 28, 2024: Sunday morning bliss

Apr 27, 2024: [insert random Game of Thrones joke here]

Apr 27, 2024: Mais um capítulo de “ah e tal, em Espanha come-se mal!”

Apr 26, 2024: Bad weather shots in Spain

Apr 26, 2024: Foi bonita a festa, pá! Nestes tempos estranhos, ver este mar de gente a descer a avenida da Liberdade para os 50 anos do 25 de Abril enche-me a alma. …

Apr 21, 2024: Today’s mobile snaps. <img src=“" width=“337” …

Apr 21, 2024: I know nowadays I like to leave home only with a camera and a 40mm equivalent lens. But, mental note, also put a 28mm in the bag. It’s small, …

Apr 20, 2024: Não deve ser o melhor a assentar soalho flutuante, mas por outro lado não pára para beber minis e dá para pagar com biscoitos para cão

Apr 20, 2024: …the stars, the flowers, the clouds… Wasted Rita artwork in the new office.

Apr 20, 2024: Some picks from last Sunday’s walk with my mate Luís, feeling kind of lazy for some time so these challenges, or should I say dares, are the push I …

Apr 18, 2024: There’s an unwritten rule that every once in a while a photographer must do a self portrait in a random shiny surface found along another …

Apr 17, 2024: Onde assino para criarmos a convenção social de que é feio falar ao telefonar nos transportes? Podemos poupar trabalho e juntar o não ouvir música sem …

Apr 14, 2024: Somehow the warm sunny days are the ones that feel just right to go around the neighborhood, and beyond, and do some photos. Just a handful of snaps …

Apr 10, 2024: As saudades que tinha disto!

Apr 9, 2024: Todo este filme à volta do livro que o Passos apresentou é mais uma estratégia para se lhes apontar o dedo e chamar “fachos”, não é? …

Apr 8, 2024: I do like that Teams lets us pull out the screen being shared from the rest of the call, and the overall call quality is nice. …And …

Apr 7, 2024: You know when you dissamble something and when assembling back there are extra parts and things you don’t know where to go? That’s me …

Apr 7, 2024: Sunday morning chillin' before returning home…

Apr 5, 2024: Really needing this to get through today…

Apr 4, 2024: If you follow me on Instagram you might have noticed that, in the last year or so, there hasn’t been a lots of posts outside travel updates or …

Apr 4, 2024: Sunny days and nicer temperature means I can use my other office… 😏

Apr 3, 2024: A manifestação que não foi permitida em Lisboa, mas que mesmo assim aconteceu com escolta da polícia, foi autorizada no Porto pelo seu presidente da …

Apr 2, 2024: No Antigo Egipto era normal quando os faraós chegavam ao poder apagarem as referências ao antecessor, razão porque gravuras e murais estão destruídos. …

Mar 31, 2024: Not the Easter day photo you might be expecting…

Mar 30, 2024: Spring gives way to Winter…

Mar 29, 2024: Is thinking about photo gear in a time when you’re not excited about photography pointless and a distraction?…

Mar 24, 2024: Poder ver tantas fotos juntas do Eduardo Gajeiro num mesmo lugar é ter um enorme flashback para o Portugal do último século.

Mar 24, 2024: So…. Ferrari decides to do a 1-2 in the race that no one sees? 🤷🏻

Mar 22, 2024: Regardless not being available to everyone, regardless still being limited, having Threads rolling out their fediverse integration is really good news …

Mar 17, 2024: Details from today.

Mar 15, 2024: You know when you search for something in YouTube and the algorithm thinks “Oh, you like this kind of thing? Say no more!!!”? My timeline …

Mar 14, 2024: Há dias piores 😉😉

Mar 14, 2024: Why did I suddenly start thinking about buying a Fuji GFX 50R?…

Mar 14, 2024: I don’t like to feel sorry about the photos I don’t take, because it’s so often that I see a pretty light or a neat little scene …

Mar 12, 2024: Food for thought after Sunday’s election day here in Portugal: the left should always be anti-fascist, but should never be just …

Mar 10, 2024: Ainda é cedo, mas é bem possível que, citando o Dr Bruno Aleixo, tenha calhado 💩…

Mar 10, 2024: Se não se postar a foto do boletim, será que se votou mesmo?

Mar 10, 2024: Pensamento do dia!

Mar 9, 2024: My problem with camera wrist straps: I’m always loosing them… Bear in mind that all my straps have quick releases. I might need to …

Mar 8, 2024: I like the new Rivian R3 a lot! …And the R3X even more!

Mar 5, 2024: Eu pouco vejo televisão “clássica”, esse pouco que vejo é mais aquele zapping enquanto preparo o pequeno almoço ou o jantar. Mas mesmo …

Mar 3, 2024: O problema do Benfica esta época é que toda a gente já percebeu como bloquear a saída para o ataque…

Mar 1, 2024: Friday qualifying, means having to juggle F1 site with JIRA, Slack and VS Code…

Feb 29, 2024: Ainda a propósito destas sensações que o Ricardo Costa fala: há dias alguém que certamente se achava “imigrante de bem” dizia-me que …

Feb 26, 2024: Domingo a terminar em “beleza”, o mote foi a manifestação de hoje no Brasil. Uma conversa acesa com alguém a tender para o bolsominion, …

Feb 25, 2024: It’s 2024 and the people who run giveaways on Instagram seem to have trouble in finding format different than: Like these X Instagram accounts …

Feb 23, 2024: Short work trip to the Netherlands. Had a camera, as always. Shots obviously ended up happening, in between the grown up chores.

Feb 21, 2024: To all developers of desktop applications that put a modal window in the middle of the screen while your application is loading: please …

Feb 20, 2024: Some of last December photos, still in the Xmas rush, that were lingering in my hard drive.

Feb 17, 2024: Nestes debates eleitorais em modo de duelo há sempre uns de um candidato particular que se esticam bem mais que os outros… No pasa nada…

Feb 13, 2024: “Vão ao meu Instagram” Facho no debate, deve ter aprendido com a outra negacionista das alterações climáticas.

Feb 8, 2024: January is an insanely long month, the longest of the year, so long it feels like it has been 90 days since I returned back home from another of my …

Feb 7, 2024: Dos mesmos autores de “duas horas de directo de autocarro em dia de derby”, se havia dúvidas que estamos numa era onde o entretenimento é …

Feb 6, 2024: Feels good to get to my commute snaps after a trip, even if a rather short one. Somehow is the reminder I’m back to the routine, a good one.

Feb 5, 2024: “It turns us into the worst version of ourselves while convincing us that we’re at our best." Despite travelling I’ve started to grow …

Jan 25, 2024: A quite relevant, and forgotten, topic: somehow we forgot the vulcanic activity may have a bigger impact on people than “look at that neat fire …

Jan 14, 2024: Dia de coisas novas na Narrativa: o grande “Jamaika” do José Sarmento Matos, pendurado nas paredes e num belíssimo livro!

Jan 11, 2024: Beber vinho branco a acompanhar o cozido? 🤦‍♂️ Esta é a minha indignação de hoje.

Jan 9, 2024: Random shots from last week, lingering in my camera roll

Jan 8, 2024: The first weeks of the year are always a time for retreat for me, a time to lay low and look ahead. Last week was just that, after the rush of the end …

Jan 6, 2024: Como vejo pouca TV, em especial em horário nobre, é fácil ficar surpreendido quando acontece. Achava que meia-hora de directo da CMtv, só com um …

Jan 6, 2024: Spoiler: it’s Alice in Chains. But I agree with James, AIC is definitely the 90’s Seattle band I return to more often these days. Jerry …

Jan 3, 2024: In a territory that gets emptier each year, where traditions slowly dwindle, every one of those that still thrives, or is even recovered by people …

Jan 3, 2024: One of the most beautiful masks of the winter traditions of Trás-Os-Montes is also one of the most challenging to photograph.. The single masked …

Dec 30, 2023: The fog that has been the norm throughout Trás-Os-Montes this end of year.

Dec 29, 2023: Estamos quase em 2024, e ainda há malta a meter posts nas redes sociais que o telemóvel avariou e perderam todos os contactos… 🤷🏻

Dec 29, 2023: Someone once told me at Constantim that the problem isn’t finding people to dance at each front door of the village, is having someone that …

Dec 29, 2023: The two kinds of roads you get at Trás-Os-Montes.

Dec 29, 2023: Galhofa. Wrestling on top of straw in the barns of Trás-Os-Montes, where showing one’s strength goes hand in hand with local rivalries. Because …

Dec 27, 2023: Yesterday, when I wrote about masks becoming less important to me as I go more often to these masked traditions, this is a bit why: the joy of …

Dec 27, 2023: I often tell everyone that the more I go to masked traditions, at least in this corner of Europe, the less important the mask and the costume feels to …

Dec 23, 2023: É quase 2024 e ainda continua a haver gente a dizer que Sistelo é o “Tibete português”…

Dec 22, 2023: Always having a camera nearby

Dec 20, 2023: It’s almost 2024, but most of Google web applications still don’t have dark mode…

Dec 19, 2023: And with Threads and Tumblr having plans to federate their own networks, this hopefully means that the “digital town square” we hear about …

Dec 17, 2023: Sunday mornings where it would felt much better to stay in bed, but glad I didn’t! Hiking at Tapada de Mafra, my mate Bruno’s idea.

Dec 13, 2023: Slack has a neat little feature where it plays ambient music when there’s no one else in a call. It’s funny, but I need different options, …

Dec 13, 2023: I love how most of VPN clients, at least for Windows, like to push themselves into the Startup, most of the times in a way it’s not easy to turn …

Dec 13, 2023: Often nag people about using more public transit and less car. This morning decide to take the car to work, because it would be faster. Got really …

Dec 10, 2023: Winter afternoon photowalk at Lisbon’s eastern neighborhoods with my mate Bruno. There’s no better way to catch up with friends that also photograph …

Dec 7, 2023: Time of the year to take the Christmas tree from the basement, turn on the lights and count the days to feast around the table.

Dec 5, 2023: As localizações possíveis do novo aeroporto são anunciadas hoje. Nos canais de TV logo de manhã: directos no aeroporto de Lisboa para perguntar a quem …

Dec 4, 2023: Monday morning commute

Dec 3, 2023: In the latest video of Framelines (, Josh Edgoose goes on a small tangent from the main topic: lenses should use the …

Dec 3, 2023: Hoje não peço muito para o Benfas, um joguinho sem história, aquelas vitórias aborrecidas por 2-0… ⚽

Dec 3, 2023: Uma pessoa pode ser boa a “vender o seu peixe”, a “esticar a cena ao máximo”, podem ser muita boa nisso até, mas muito …

Dec 1, 2023: …aaaaaand one more trip around the sun…

Nov 30, 2023: Not leaving home today!

Nov 28, 2023: Wrapping up a meeting earlier today…

Nov 25, 2023: Manhã pelas ruas de Almada, atrás de algumas das fotos da exposição organizada pela Narrativa a comemorar os 50 anos de elevação à cidade. …

Nov 23, 2023: Whoever said that printers are hell never tried to configure an enterprise VPN…

Nov 23, 2023: E hoje houve mais um pouco de Rebecca Gaal, depois do Exodus Aveiro Fest no fim de semana hoje foi na Narrativa.

Nov 20, 2023: Kinda bummed, but not really surprised, that Instagram is phasing out Guides. It was a neat and different way to showcase work, that sadly never took …

Nov 20, 2023: On fear and travel. It’s funny how often the questions towards a traveler are kind of projection of the doubts and fears of a non traveler: …

Nov 19, 2023: A pensar em algo profundo no Exodus Aveiro Fest. Ou em cerveja. Um dos dois! 📸 Marília Maia e Moura #exodusaveirofest2023

Nov 18, 2023: The kickoff message of this year’s #exodusaveirofest. It’s going to be a good weekend!

Nov 16, 2023: Literally back to back meetings the entire day, one project release, another project kick-off and yet another project refinement. Hope your day will …

Nov 11, 2023: Travel to a far away place is cool and all that, but these photos won’t cull themselves…

Nov 11, 2023: Returning home also means going back to one of my favorite walkaround setups, and one that I rarely travel with: X-E3 + 27mm

Nov 11, 2023: Returning home also means returning to #commute photos

Nov 10, 2023: I’m becoming a grumpy old person, and still kind of getting back to the everyday routine after returning from Nepal, so take this with a huge …

Nov 9, 2023: Doing a full work week after so long out of office sure feels damn long! Oh well… Tomorrow’s Friday.

Nov 7, 2023: #twittlis day!!!

Nov 6, 2023: “Wake me up inside When the light strikes again There’s another way to find On my own, I’ll meet you there I’ll strike you …

Nov 5, 2023: You’ve been away for a while and you don’t remember it’s F1 day. It’s late afternoon, but the race is in Brazil, so …

Nov 4, 2023: This is a scaffold of the ongoing repairs from the damages of 2015 earthquake… Arriving home from Nepal, with the news that another one has …

Nov 3, 2023: It kinda feels right to close the trip at Bodhanauth…

Nov 3, 2023: A kinda long stopover in Dubai starts now…

Nov 3, 2023: Amazing the “addition” of nepalis for videocalls, now I understand why they have really big data plans!

Nov 2, 2023: Pashupatinath, where cheering and mourning happen side by side…

Nov 2, 2023: Finally time to give Bhaktapur its well deserved slow place, because good things don’t like rushing out.

Nov 2, 2023: Don’t like to give gear lessons to anyone, each is free to choose what works for them, but having a large photographer group in the narrow …

Oct 31, 2023: Time to say goodbye to this view and move closer to Kathmandu!

Oct 30, 2023: 🗺 📸 Panauti, a quiet, slow paced, no frenzy Nepali historic town for a change.

Oct 30, 2023: Não querendo generalizar, mas se há turista que literalmente se borrifa no resto são grupos de franceses, seja para locais ou outros turistas. Parece …

Oct 29, 2023: 🗺 📸 Hike in the Kathmandu Valley countryside, to reach Namo Buddha, one of Nepal’s holy Buddhist places. Made me realize I still have things to …

Oct 28, 2023: 🗺 📸 Any city looks better by dawn, but Patan is really a place best seen under the first rays of light. Not only because the lack of tourists that …

Oct 26, 2023: 🗺 📸 Just went for a quick night stroll around my hotel, for real!

Oct 24, 2023: 🚶🏔️ Day 9 - Ghandruk to Nayapool That’s a wrap! …on the trekking part.

Oct 23, 2023: 🚶🏔️ Day 8 - Chhomrong to Ghandruk Let’s just ignore the steep downhill and uphill midday, and focus on the bucolic countryside of Nepal that we …

Oct 23, 2023: The bliss of the first good hot shower in a week, one with a really good flow of warm water running on your back, is something you can’t really …

Oct 22, 2023: 🚶🏔️ Day 6 - Annapurna Base Camp to Dovan. Time to leave the high peaks, with an early sunrise over the Annapurna, and move down, down, back to the …

Oct 20, 2023: Day 5 - Machhapuchhre Base Camp to Annapurna Base Camp. A small climb between base camps, although any climb at this altitude can make you breed a lot …

Oct 20, 2023: Day 4 - Dovan to Machhapuchhre Base Camp Going up, up in the mountains, but often what’s over there isn’t a bright sunny day.

Oct 19, 2023: 🚶🏔️ Day 3 - Chhomrong to Dovan In the shadow of Machhapuchre. The entire day was done along the sacred mountain, with its iconic fish tail peak, …

Oct 17, 2023: 🚶🏔️ Day 2 - Landruk to Chhomrong Still low in the valleys, moving between the small villages and the cable bridges that connect them.

Oct 16, 2023: 🚶🏔️ Day 1 - Siwai to Landruk Time to start moving the legs, and get used to what’s coming.

Oct 15, 2023: Some days all that there’s to tell is the never ending hopping between roadside restaurants, until the final destination.

Oct 14, 2023: The sheer size of Nepal’s largest stupa easily imposes itself onto all the crowds and noise circling it.

Oct 14, 2023: First dwell into the chaos of Kathmandu. I truly missed the frenzy of this part of the world!

Oct 13, 2023: Views from the ✈️: the rugged landscape of South Iran and Pakistan.

Oct 12, 2023: …plenty of time for coffee… ✈️ Dubai Airport

Oct 11, 2023: ….aaaand here we go!!

Oct 9, 2023: I always hated the days before travel, and I think I always will…

Oct 8, 2023: I’ve had worse Sundays…

Oct 5, 2023: Morning walk

Oct 3, 2023: ⚽ Mesmo em fora de jogo, incrivel como a defesa do Benfica ficou ver jogar no golo… O melhor é mudar de canal.

Oct 3, 2023: Getting into that final week, pre-trip anxiety of “eager to get there!” and “why do I get into these things?”. I used to get …

Oct 2, 2023: Only at lunch, and after three meetings, I realized I was wearing my t-shirt inside out. How’s your Monday going?…

Oct 1, 2023: Sunday mornings…

Oct 1, 2023: Earlier from today, the posters from the Preview of Lisbon’s Photo Book Fair all over the surroundings.

Sep 30, 2023: Still about yesterday…

Sep 27, 2023: Há finais de tarde piores…

Sep 27, 2023: Office day, and making the best of the last days of summer to lunch outside. Because in early October I’ll be traveling and likely to only …

Sep 27, 2023: Back to Amplifest Back to Porto for Amplifest. Like last year, I ended up taking the camera with me. Like last year, I ended up turning it mostly to everyone around, …

Sep 25, 2023: Ir para fora para estar com bons amigos e ver coisas fixes é bom! Regressar ao sossego da nossa casa, em especial para alguém como eu que tem uma …

Sep 25, 2023: Fact: train trips are great to get work organized, get all those pending topics sorted out. Must do this more often.

Sep 24, 2023: Sunday mornings…

Sep 24, 2023: Como diz a minha amiga Fátima, não me importava de ver Amenra uma vez por ano, assim para lavar a alma! Só isto já teria feito valer a pena ter vindo …

Sep 23, 2023: Starting to feel like winter sun… Good morning Porto!

Sep 22, 2023: Priceless developer moments: when you run the code for the first time after writing some recursive logic, it takes a bit longer to execute and you …

Sep 21, 2023: Mandatory photo of raindrops on the window on rainy, it’s not me who makes the rules 🤷🏻

Sep 18, 2023: If only this could be the work week…

Sep 17, 2023: 📷 Day 17: “intense” #mbsept

Sep 17, 2023: Funny little kiosks that appear out of nowhere

Sep 17, 2023: ☕ Coffee makes everything possible…

Sep 16, 2023: Sometimes there’s really very little energy for social interactions, and the more people the worse it gets. It’s a matter of taking a deep …

Sep 15, 2023: Friday….

Sep 14, 2023: Was I attending a developer conference this week? Yes. Did I had a camera with me? As always. Have I done some “street photography”-ish between talks? …

Sep 13, 2023: The first rule of Photography is that there are no rules.

Sep 13, 2023: A tip for the speakers out there that are going to give a talk with someone else: don’t switch roles with your co-speaker on every slide, it …

Sep 13, 2023: Developers designing screens! Myself included!…

Sep 12, 2023: Empty

Sep 11, 2023: How does someone loose an outlet?…

Sep 11, 2023: Funny to post a photo on insta late night (I’m not really caring with best times to post nowadays) and checking which of your friends are still …

Sep 10, 2023: Discussing productivity is the ultimate procrastination!

Sep 10, 2023: I won’t even suggest saying I’m the most responsible traveler and photographer, because I’m certainly not. But the ethics of travel …

Sep 10, 2023: 🥕 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕

Sep 8, 2023: If you use Obsididian you’ll very, very likely use the DataView plugin. The plugin’s documentation is quite detailed and there’s …

Sep 7, 2023: “Night has fallen Mute and cold My horse is crying” 🎶 Horse Tears - Goldfrapp

Sep 7, 2023: Blue sky roof

Sep 6, 2023: Sometimes the world is, as we often say here in Portugal, a very small pea.

Sep 6, 2023: “When?…” Another scene from my #commute

Sep 5, 2023: 📷 Day 05 : forest Is one tree enough for a forest? #mbsept

Sep 4, 2023: MEO Kalorama 2023 aftermath…

Sep 4, 2023: “I’ll just do a bulk search and replace in this folder, nothing complicated.” Stupid things developers say… Here we …

Sep 4, 2023: Just came out from a virtual meeting, where the chairs of the physical meeting room on the other side weren’t the simple ones you normally see, …

Sep 4, 2023: The one and only thing I like in Teams over Meet or Slack: the ability to pullout the ongoing presentation to a separate window; and overall call …

Sep 3, 2023: Aquele clássico da Feira da Luz!

Sep 3, 2023: 🏎️ Verstappen on the lead building a gap, Perez getting close to the front. I’ve seen this movie before, going to take a look at the world …

Sep 3, 2023: Arriving home just before starting to rain, that’s what I call good timing. Now time to chill and enjoy today’s #F1 race..

Sep 3, 2023: O crl! 25 de Abril faxavor!!

Sep 3, 2023: Danger, do not cross… For the record, I also broke the law 😏

Sep 3, 2023: Kind of early rise to shoot photos, but first ☕

Sep 3, 2023: Yay! This site now has proper About page. Kind of… Take a look ate the link above 👆🏻.

Sep 2, 2023: Uma das minhas grandes frustrações ao nível de concertos foi há uns 20 anos atrás ir ver Björk ao Meco, e perder uma boa parte do concerto no trânsito …

Sep 1, 2023: Waiting for miss Bjork…

Sep 1, 2023: 📸 #commute

Aug 31, 2023: 🇰🇷 BBQ!! Go!!!!!

Aug 31, 2023: Metal chopsticks, my nemesis…

Aug 31, 2023: 📸 MFA no Quartel photo dump

Aug 23, 2023: Why I love coming to the office! …the remote, not the coffee. I have plenty of coffee at home 😏

Aug 21, 2023: 📚 Just in for the summer: “Photo Work”, by Sascha Wolf. …or at least I hope I’m able to actually read it. …and it …

Aug 20, 2023: 📸 The kind of door I want to know where it leads to, despite knowing it leads to an urban farm

Aug 20, 2023: It’s 2023, but for content creators the only thing to do with a performance electric car is drag races. A sports car isn’t just …

Aug 19, 2023: 📸 Chillin at Chelas Chicago

Aug 19, 2023: Liverpool ⚽ and photos lazy Saturday…

Aug 18, 2023: E por esta semana tá feito!

Aug 18, 2023: De manhã estas duas bicicletas estavam exactamente no mesmo sitio, mas ia atrasado para uma reunião… Passaram o dia todo à espera que voltasse.