O Paulo Rangel está a falar de poesia erótica na " universidade" de verão do partido dele, e é isto…
Not being able to “see” or find anything interesting… Something I feel I’m kind of going through right now (including but not limited to photography) and something that Matt goes through in his latest video. No magic recipes, just honest talk and some tips.
Está um Windows Update a correr há que tempos, é o karma a dizer para ir buscar outro café?
Noite mal dormida, mesmo sem contar com o sismo, pouco café em casa e o café aqui à porta fechado para férias… ☕ Acho que vou começar a bloquear a minha agenda para reuniões hoje…
Há dias havia brasileiros a comentar no Threads que o algoritmo lhes estava a mostrar imensos posts de contas de Portugal. Imaginem a timeline deles hoje, ao aparecer um sismo do nada!
The randomness from the last week or so, out and about Lisbon.
The randomness from the last week or so, out and about Lisbon. #justprocessed
The randomness from the last week or so, out and about Lisbon.
Um projecto tão bonito que a Ana está a fazer crescer aqui às portas de Lisboa! “Uma casa na aldeia do tamanho da paz”
He’s right, but they’ll ignore. For the same reason as all new entries are crappy street circuits, or why there are 4 GP in the Middle East, 3 in the US and 1 in Azerbaijan…
“Lewis Hamilton champions F1 return to Africa, says sport can’t ‘ignore’ continent - The Athletic”
A bit by chance (a friend visiting Tirana a week before me) I was able to catch this exhibit, and it was an amazing record of one of the wackiest periods in modern Europe: Albania in the 90s.
People, you’re all wrong! Dummy was release the other day, like a few weeks ago.
Until now I still feel that my old desktop runs smoother on XOrg, every time I switch to Wayland I end up switching back. Could this be the it?
“Ubuntu Fixes Old NVIDIA Wayland Support For GNOME, Hiring More Desktop Engi…"
I really care little about celebrations, international days and all those things, including #WorldPhotographyDay, I’m that old guy that complains nowadays there’s a day for everything. But photography has taken me to the most coolest places, and put the most awesome people in my path, and that’s definitely something worth celebrating.
Seems like it’s easier to migrate data from a competitor into Monday.com, than to move data between two different Monday.com accounts in based in different regions. Oh, I love Mondays…
After the weeks in the Balkans, between fun kitsch of the cities and the imposing peaks of the mountains, it’s time ti hit back the streets in my hometown.
After the weeks in the Balkans, between fun kitsch of the cities and the imposing peaks of the mountains, it's time ti hit back the streets in my hometown. #justprocessed
After the weeks in the Balkans, between fun kitsch of the cities and the imposing peaks of the mountains, it’s time ti hit back the streets in my hometown.
Noticed some some products strategically place nearby in Trump’s speeches. Do they have product placement now?
Afternoon full of meetings, should’ve asked for double espresso…

Post trip chores… Because photos aren’t magically copied and backed up into the hard drives…