Halloween commute

When the concert is on Halloween…

Blue over pink

Just saw Google Calendar in dark mode, slowly they’ll get to Gmail… Probably even before I eventually de-Google myself completely…
Matt’s review on the Hassie touches a pet peeve of mine: WHY ALMOST NO CAMERAS HAVE INTERNAL STORAGE?! And I don’t mean 1TB, but just something to save the day. From the guy that has spare cards on all camera bags…
Good morning…
Faz mais ou menos um ano que chegava ao Nepal com uma grupeta fixe, para caminharmos até ao campo base do Annapurna. O Paski deveria ter sido um de nós, mas dramas de voos e vistos deixaram-no em terra… Bem, ele agora vingou-se e finalmente chegou lá! Por terra. De bicicleta! Vejam não só este post como toda a aventura dele!!
Genuine question regarding Omnivore app being bought and phased down: the app is open-source, how feasible is it for the community to fork it?
Disclaimer: I’m not a user, at most I considered using it at some point.
Interesting take by Roman covering a very good points, but I’m focusing on the first: “You Can Clearly Describe Your Work”. This seems simple, but in fact way harder than it seems.
Há qualquer coisa de eucaristia nos concertos de Nick Cave, um pouco por haver este piscar o olho a uma vibe gospel, mas sobretudo pela energia e pose de pastor de seita que ele tem.
Mas o problema é que não sei quando vai ser o próximo dia do culto.
Estágio para mais logo!
(…) where workers may have a better work-life balance but aren’t as ambitious.
Having a good work-life balance is the biggest ambition of all.
When you go to a festival to watch one of old time favorites, and return with something new on repeat!
“MUSIC IN LOW FREQUENCIES - ‘Unconsciousness’ (official music video)"
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Dunning–Kruger effect and how science works. Worth saving in your bookmarks, it might be helpful someday to share with someone.
Mobile snaps from yesterday’s performance of Tiamat at Under The Doom festival, including a special feature of Moonspell’s Fernando Ribeiro (forth, yellow lights photo), and what a trip it was! It’s not the first time I see them live, not even the first time I have the pleasure of having them share stage with Fernando, but being able to be on the first row in a setlist so focused on the iconic Clouds and Wildhoney albums was that special!
Sometimes you cover up not so bright days, filled with things that aren’t making you that happy, by procrastinating with other things that out you in good mood. In this case was booking flights for another trip. It’s not a proper way to handle your issues, but sometimes it’s alright.
Did a test run on Vivaldi Browser (because Arc Browser stopped working and there are few where I can use columns) and the fact that they have Shein, Temu and Aliexpress on their Speed Dial bookmarks doesn’t make me very comfortable…
Eu percebo que quem está num call center a fazer telemarketing está a fazer o seu papel, que é ingrato, mas acho sempre engraçado o quanto eu tenho de justificar porque não quero o que me estão a vender.
The very early years of English football are filled with cool stories like this!
How not to love signs in unexpected places?