
…and none of those was my driver…

Drivers waiting for guests nearby airport exit at Tirana.

Frankfurt ✈️

People sitting by airport window

Lazy Sundays

Couple sitting by the river front Low tide meander

Sunny Saturdays

Sign by the waterfront Sign by the waterfront

Despite not being a parent I can relate with this a lot: as a trip gets closer an anxiety starts to creep inside me, until it burts when I depart. Every single trip, like now…


Dusky skies near the airport.

Sign at dusk Sign at dusk

All this thing of using Arc Browser for Windows was fun while it lasted, now it doesn’t start at all, regardless of how many times I’m reinstalling it or deleting the profile folder. Not putting more energy on this, going back to Firefox.

I’m so, so used to launching a terminal window in Linux using Ctrl-Alt-T that often I do the same in Windows and remain waiting for that half-second until I remember I don’t have that shortcut.

Selecção Nacional, essa coisa linda onde as vitórias são por causa dos jogadores do meu clube mas as derrotas são culpa dos jogadores dos outros.

🇵🇹 match day commute

Subway station People waiting at subway station Man with Portugal scarf inside subway train

I guess summer nights are here.

People outside gas station

Summer in a plate, in a summer day that’s anything but that…

Plate of grilled sardines

A moment to remember.

Man photographing musician performing

Before the Euro some algorithm picked England as the clear favorite to win. Have no idea how it got there, because their lame football surprises exactly zero people. ⚽

Sunday morning means Feira do Relógio.

Produce on a stand Empty chair with people passing byPicking apples on a produce stand People sitting on a starway

Darktable, the open source photo developer I use (and built film emulation presets), has two releases per year. You can almost adjust your calendar on it, because it’s around each solstice. And because we just hit Summer solstice there’s a new release out there.

darktable 4.8.0 released

Commute naps…

Man sleeping on subway train

The title pretty much sums up the state of AI gadgets: where rushed to market.

“Modder gets Android on the Rabbit R1 AI gadget”