
Playing around with this new Foto app, just to check what’s about, and also to claim my username. Still playing around, and since I haven’t been that active in socials I have no idea when I’ll post something, but here goes:
So… I watched the video Musk, Milei and the chainsaw… And I’d rather didn’t…
The David Lynch vibes of Puerto Natales…
Sorry about the lack of updates, that was by design. But Patagonia is as beautiful as I dreamed it would be. The updates will follow shortly…
Time to hit the trek… #patagonia

A photographer has to be fed eventually!

Touching Perito #patagonia #argentina

Sometimes walking around isn’t the way to go. Cruising around less crowded parts of Buenos Aires on two wheels.
D10S #buenosaires #argentina

Lots of spare time in airports today…
A propósito do Extremamente Desagradável de ontem com o Gustavo (que na verdade é a única maneira onde vou sabendo das ideias dele): enquanto nós formos apenas rindo das chalupices, sem contradizer nem desmentir, essa malta vai ganhando palco e as “verdades alternativas” cada vez normalizadas.
Moedas - Há mais crimes em Lisboa! Polícia - Os números da criminalidade têm baixado Moedas - Mas há mais violentos! Polícia - Criminalidade violenta também baixou Moedas - Mas agora usam facas!
E assim se cavalga a onda do populismo…
Uma daquelas pérolas de vir ao escritório: o porteiro, não segurança mas daqueles à antiga, a ouvir fadunhcho no telefone.
Estou a ter flashbacks daquele Benfica em queda livre no final da primeira passagem do Lage.
In stormy Sundays you can always go back to the stuff you have from sunny days, like just a week ago.
Shopping before the rainy Sunday hits us.

“(…) perhaps a country that actually wants oursiders.”
More than the actual effectiveness Spain’s decision, which is a valid conversation, the condescending, almost white-saviour tone of this is amazing. As if we should welcome the money brought by the foreign rich man…
“Spain Has Lost Its Mind. A 100% Real Estate Tax is Your Sign to Move Elsewhere“
Still from last week’s march against racism here in Lisbon, something that, according to our prime-minister, is very radical to do…Let’s be radical then.
Embaixador de Israel agora na SICN: não existe fome em Gaza, e para provar tenho aqui uma foto de carne tirada lá, e que vou mostrar brevemente no meu telemóvel.