Slack has a neat little feature where it plays ambient music when there’s no one else in a call. It’s funny, but I need different options, something like:

  • Grim Shadows
  • Ethereal Echoes
  • Mechanized Pulse
  • Midnight Reverie
  • Underground Vibes

I love how most of VPN clients, at least for Windows, like to push themselves into the Startup, most of the times in a way it’s not easy to turn off…

Often nag people about using more public transit and less car. This morning decide to take the car to work, because it would be faster. Got really stuck in traffic, taking much longer than usual. I guess this is karma getting back to me…

Winter afternoon photowalk at Lisbon’s eastern neighborhoods with my mate Bruno. There’s no better way to catch up with friends that also photograph than going on a walk with our cameras, if you happen to take nice shots then that’s an extra bonus!

Also was a chance to take out new gear for a drive, but in the end mostly used only one camera. Mental reminder not to take the X100V when testing new gear…

Time of the year to take the Christmas tree from the basement, turn on the lights and count the days to feast around the table.

Christmas decorations at night behind a metal barrier

As localizações possíveis do novo aeroporto são anunciadas hoje.

Nos canais de TV logo de manhã: directos no aeroporto de Lisboa para perguntar a quem está por lá o que acha disso.

Há lá melhor maneira de encher chouriços?

Monday morning commute

In the latest video of Framelines (, Josh Edgoose goes on a small tangent from the main topic: lenses should use the full-frame equivalent focal length, not the real focal length.

Why should the full-frame equivalent be the base reference? I understand the conventions and all that, but feels weird to put a focal that’s not the actual focal length, and, more important, it gives the sense that full-frame somehow is the “right one”, and the others orbit around it, which for me isn’t the case (all sensor sizes have their place, from tiny smartphone sensors to large format).

If it’s to get an universal measurement, then I’d rather jump head first to thinking in lenses in terms of field of view angle, and not focal length, something I’d loved lens makers displayed more prominently.

Hoje não peço muito para o Benfas, um joguinho sem história, aquelas vitórias aborrecidas por 2-0… ⚽

Uma pessoa pode ser boa a “vender o seu peixe”, a “esticar a cena ao máximo”, podem ser muita boa nisso até, mas muito dificilmente será o Fernando Pereira que ainda continua a fazer a vida a imitar o Thriller do Michael Jackson!

…aaaaaand one more trip around the sun…


Not leaving home today!

Rain drops running in a window

Wrapping up a meeting earlier today…

Manhã pelas ruas de Almada, atrás de algumas das fotos da exposição organizada pela Narrativa a comemorar os 50 anos de elevação à cidade.

Whoever said that printers are hell never tried to configure an enterprise VPN…

E hoje houve mais um pouco de Rebecca Gaal, depois do Exodus Aveiro Fest no fim de semana hoje foi na Narrativa.

Kinda bummed, but not really surprised, that Instagram is phasing out Guides. It was a neat and different way to showcase work, that sadly never took off. Maybe because the Force is strong in the Scroll of Doom.

On fear and travel.

It’s funny how often the questions towards a traveler are kind of projection of the doubts and fears of a non traveler: “Where you scared?”, “Was it dangerous?”, “Don’t you think you can have an accident?”, “What if?”, etc.

This is neither good or bad, or it might be, depending on who’s asking. But there are much interesting answers when the question is realigned to things that were actually found, more than the things that could have happened.

A pensar em algo profundo no Exodus Aveiro Fest. Ou em cerveja. Um dos dois!

📸 Marília Maia e Moura #exodusaveirofest2023

The kickoff message of this year’s #exodusaveirofest. It’s going to be a good weekend!