You know when you dissamble something and when assembling back there are extra parts and things you don’t know where to go? That’s me packing and unpacking gear…
Sunday morning chillin' before returning home…

Really needing this to get through today…

If you follow me on Instagram you might have noticed that, in the last year or so, there hasn’t been a lots of posts outside travel updates or some picks of that day’s photo walk. Although I like to avoid that my feed becomes too tidy and planned, it’s nice to share some things that aren’t as much for that moment in time as the rest. Not only I’m awful in processing my archive, but the small part that actually gets worked on isn’t being put out there at all. Let’s try to invert that trend, fingers crossed…
Sunny days and nicer temperature means I can use my other office… 😏

A manifestação que não foi permitida em Lisboa, mas que mesmo assim aconteceu com escolta da polícia, foi autorizada no Porto pelo seu presidente da câmara. Que excelente maneira de comemorar 50 anos do derrube do fascismo…
No Antigo Egipto era normal quando os faraós chegavam ao poder apagarem as referências ao antecessor, razão porque gravuras e murais estão destruídos. Isto de a primeiríssima que o novo governo faz ao assumir, ainda nem a tomada de posse tinha arrefecido, ser mudar a imagem faz muito lembrar isso…
Not the Easter day photo you might be expecting…

Spring gives way to Winter…

Is thinking about photo gear in a time when you’re not excited about photography pointless and a distraction?…
Poder ver tantas fotos juntas do Eduardo Gajeiro num mesmo lugar é ter um enorme flashback para o Portugal do último século.
So…. Ferrari decides to do a 1-2 in the race that no one sees? 🤷🏻
Regardless not being available to everyone, regardless still being limited, having Threads rolling out their fediverse integration is really good news for interoperability and a more open internet.
…Unlike other services that have announced it but remained quiet ever since.
Details from today.
You know when you search for something in YouTube and the algorithm thinks “Oh, you like this kind of thing? Say no more!!!”?
My timeline is full of GFX 50R videos! And other medium format stuff too…
Há dias piores 😉😉

Why did I suddenly start thinking about buying a Fuji GFX 50R?…
I don’t like to feel sorry about the photos I don’t take, because it’s so often that I see a pretty light or a neat little scene that I can’t allow myself to go down that rabbit hole, but also because the beauty of photography is that some photos are meant to be taken.
But sometimes you’re just walking out from a shop, and face a stylish elderly lady, in full pink mode from sunglasses to hat, and thinking I should’ve the camera that was hanging on my neck fully ready in my hands to take that shot!
Like yesterday… Regardless that that camera’s was already dead…
Food for thought after Sunday’s election day here in Portugal: the left should always be anti-fascist, but should never be just anti-fascist…
Ainda é cedo, mas é bem possível que, citando o Dr Bruno Aleixo, tenha calhado 💩…