I know nowadays I like to leave home only with a camera and a 40mm equivalent lens. But, mental note, also put a 28mm in the bag. It’s small, light and zooming with the feet sometimes can’t take you all the way…
Não deve ser o melhor a assentar soalho flutuante, mas por outro lado não pára para beber minis e dá para pagar com biscoitos para cão
…the stars, the flowers, the clouds…
Wasted Rita artwork in the new office.
Some picks from last Sunday’s walk with my mate Luís, feeling kind of lazy for some time so these challenges, or should I say dares, are the push I need. Feeling less and less pressure to actually bring cool photos when I go out, and enjoying that a lot.
There’s an unwritten rule that every once in a while a photographer must do a self portrait in a random shiny surface found along another photowalk. Here I found a golden opportunity for that!
Onde assino para criarmos a convenção social de que é feio falar ao telefonar nos transportes? Podemos poupar trabalho e juntar o não ouvir música sem fones.
Somehow the warm sunny days are the ones that feel just right to go around the neighborhood, and beyond, and do some photos. Just a handful of snaps from this weekend.
As saudades que tinha disto!
Todo este filme à volta do livro que o Passos apresentou é mais uma estratégia para se lhes apontar o dedo e chamar “fachos”, não é? Porque é uma armadilha que se tem que começar a evitar, se se está preocupado com com as famílias então é falar das coisas que realmente as afligem, e não uma ideologia que nem sabem explicar.
I do like that Teams lets us pull out the screen being shared from the rest of the call, and the overall call quality is nice.
…And that’s how far I’ll go regarding talking nice things about Microsoft Teams.
You know when you dissamble something and when assembling back there are extra parts and things you don’t know where to go? That’s me packing and unpacking gear…
Sunday morning chillin' before returning home…
Really needing this to get through today…
If you follow me on Instagram you might have noticed that, in the last year or so, there hasn’t been a lots of posts outside travel updates or some picks of that day’s photo walk. Although I like to avoid that my feed becomes too tidy and planned, it’s nice to share some things that aren’t as much for that moment in time as the rest. Not only I’m awful in processing my archive, but the small part that actually gets worked on isn’t being put out there at all. Let’s try to invert that trend, fingers crossed…
Sunny days and nicer temperature means I can use my other office… 😏
A manifestação que não foi permitida em Lisboa, mas que mesmo assim aconteceu com escolta da polícia, foi autorizada no Porto pelo seu presidente da câmara. Que excelente maneira de comemorar 50 anos do derrube do fascismo…
No Antigo Egipto era normal quando os faraós chegavam ao poder apagarem as referências ao antecessor, razão porque gravuras e murais estão destruídos. Isto de a primeiríssima que o novo governo faz ao assumir, ainda nem a tomada de posse tinha arrefecido, ser mudar a imagem faz muito lembrar isso…
Not the Easter day photo you might be expecting…
Spring gives way to Winter…
Is thinking about photo gear in a time when you’re not excited about photography pointless and a distraction?…