Commute naps…

I have a really long backlog of unprocessed photos, but sometimes I actually do process them but end up not doing anything with them. Not sharing, not posting online, nothing. Until a day like today, where I decide to pick those random, disconnected shots and decide to make a post with them. To not make this even more random, these are just shots taken in Lisbon, in the last year… or maybe more…
Ordered some small random stuff from Amazon, “needed” to add something to fill the package

Commute mobile snaps
Kickstarting June in Lisbon
Summer is upon us.

A good friday is when something planned to arrive late next week knocks on your door!

Just a sunny Sunday. Snaps from earlier today on the South Bank.
Ride back home…
This is a new one when purchasing something online: it’s just big blank screen with this message… Nothing else…

About this last weekend, there’s only one thing to talk about: workshop with the talented Gustavo Minas. Literally two very full days, of learning, sharing, taking photos and, of course, with some beers in between.
Now it’s time to take a deep breath and let the dust settle.
For you Fujifilm users out there: how many times have you opened Twitter on your mobile phone, when what you really wanted was to pull a photo from your camera?… And vice versa…

Yesterday’s forgotten snap

Ontem foi dia de dar um salto à exposição ROOF do Mário Cruz, em dia de visita guiada do Ciclo Narrativa, e a atenção ao detalhe a expor um trabalho já de si impactante é impressionante! Até 9 de Junho.
Sabes que estás no centro de Espanha quando entras no wallpaper do Windows XP

Sunday morning bliss

[insert random Game of Thrones joke here]

Mais um capítulo de “ah e tal, em Espanha come-se mal!”

Bad weather shots in Spain

Foi bonita a festa, pá!
Nestes tempos estranhos, ver este mar de gente a descer a avenida da Liberdade para os 50 anos do 25 de Abril enche-me a alma.
Agora vou ali e já venho, até já!