Some snaps from the opening of Gil Ribeiros’s (aka @gileres) exhibit in Lisbon. I love his quirky and fun style, if you’re in town make sure to drop by and check it.
Red lounge


Snaps from a family’s slow Sunday lunch away from the city, where all that’s missing is the lunch itself. Probably the last of the summer, but with climate change you never know.
Playing with light.

Empty homes…
End of summer mood
For many reasons, one of which a trip to the Balkans, I wasn’t able to come to my little retreat in Central Portugal as often as usual in the Summer, so I’m fixing that while weather still is nice. Not that’s bad being here in winter, but this hammock isn’t as fun in cold days.

The randomness from the last week or so, out and about Lisbon.
The randomness from the last week or so, out and about Lisbon. #justprocessed
The randomness from the last week or so, out and about Lisbon.
After the weeks in the Balkans, between fun kitsch of the cities and the imposing peaks of the mountains, it’s time ti hit back the streets in my hometown.
After the weeks in the Balkans, between fun kitsch of the cities and the imposing peaks of the mountains, it's time ti hit back the streets in my hometown. #justprocessed
After the weeks in the Balkans, between fun kitsch of the cities and the imposing peaks of the mountains, it’s time ti hit back the streets in my hometown.
Afternoon full of meetings, should’ve asked for double espresso…

Post trip chores… Because photos aren’t magically copied and backed up into the hard drives…

Airport snap, or the mixed feelings of returning home.
✈️Munich Airport.

When the route Google Maps gives your accommodation takes you through one of the most beautiful roads you’ve taken, going down a narrow and curvy valley for kilometers. That’s a good day!
And by the way, that accommodation happens to be the guesthouse of a monastery you wanted to visit.

Macedonians really love shiny crosses, this one is in Skopje, but in Ohrid I could see two near each other.

Vacations also mean being able to finally close things…