Photog stuff
Halloween commute
Blue over pink
Faz mais ou menos um ano que chegava ao Nepal com uma grupeta fixe, para caminharmos até ao campo base do Annapurna. O Paski deveria ter sido um de nós, mas dramas de voos e vistos deixaram-no em terra… Bem, ele agora vingou-se e finalmente chegou lá! Por terra. De bicicleta! Vejam não só este post como toda a aventura dele!!
Mobile snaps from yesterday’s performance of Tiamat at Under The Doom festival, including a special feature of Moonspell’s Fernando Ribeiro (forth, yellow lights photo), and what a trip it was! It’s not the first time I see them live, not even the first time I have the pleasure of having them share stage with Fernando, but being able to be on the first row in a setlist so focused on the iconic Clouds and Wildhoney albums was that special!
Sometimes you cover up not so bright days, filled with things that aren’t making you that happy, by procrastinating with other things that out you in good mood. In this case was booking flights for another trip. It’s not a proper way to handle your issues, but sometimes it’s alright.
How not to love signs in unexpected places?
Looking back, waaayyy back, into your archive is an interesting exercise: you notice so many subtle subjects that were already grabbing your attention back then, but also you now tend to prefer the unprocessed photos.
For many reasons (TLDR: lack of time…) I haven’t properly listened GY!BE’s new album. Only today I found time to hit play, a day where it’s dark and rain outside. This can’t be a coincidence.
An 1 hour long video only with two guys talking about photo sequencing?… Hell yeah!
“How To Edit and Sequence Photo Projects & Books (ft. Noah Waldeck)"
After a Saturday with a lot of things happening nothing like a slow Sunday, watching F1, being lazy, taking care of Saturday’s photos.
O telemóvel fotografou pouco hoje, e daí pouca coisa para aqui, mas estas lindas máscaras de Lóbios mereceram a excepção. #desfilemascaraiberica
Hoje é dia de Desfile da Máscara Ibérica na baixa de Lisboa, após interregno de alguns anos. Dia de rever caras conhecidas e tirar fotos das tradições de máscaras num contexto diferente, curioso como durante algum tempo achei que isto não era “autêntico”. Vemo-nos por lá?
Weekend at last, will I finally start reading this?
Some snaps from the opening of Gil Ribeiros’s (aka @gileres) exhibit in Lisbon. I love his quirky and fun style, if you’re in town make sure to drop by and check it.
Red lounge
Desabafo a propósito da cobertura dos incêndios, até porque agora há ainda mais um canal de notícias: não é preciso estar a fazer directos só porque sim, não é preciso fazer relatos intermináveis de vidros a partir; os jornalistas dão a notícia, não são a notícia…
Snaps from a family’s slow Sunday lunch away from the city, where all that’s missing is the lunch itself. Probably the last of the summer, but with climate change you never know.
Playing with light.