Geek stuff

    Sometimes there’s really very little energy for social interactions, and the more people the worse it gets. It’s a matter of taking a deep breath and moving on.

    A tip for the speakers out there that are going to give a talk with someone else: don’t switch roles with your co-speaker on every slide, it really breaks the flow for the audience…

    How does someone loose an outlet?…

    Funny to post a photo on insta late night (I’m not really caring with best times to post nowadays) and checking which of your friends are still up. Time to get some sleep.

    Discussing productivity is the ultimate procrastination!

    I won’t even suggest saying I’m the most responsible traveler and photographer, because I’m certainly not. But the ethics of travel and photography is something that has been in mind my for quite some time: how we behave, how we react, how we portray, etc… And this thing we’re seeing with people using the Morocco earthquake to turn the spotlight for themselves really triggers me. I guess it’s the self-centered social media culture we’re living…

    🥕 🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕🥕

    Carrots on street market stand

    If you use Obsididian you’ll very, very likely use the DataView plugin. The plugin’s documentation is quite detailed and there’s plenty of examples in Obsidian forum, but for a quick one stop place for the essentials then this Obsidian Rocks post is the place to go:…

    “Night has fallen Mute and cold My horse is crying” 🎶 Horse Tears - Goldfrapp

    Tree against clouds in the sky

    Blue sky roof

    Sometimes the world is, as we often say here in Portugal, a very small pea.

    “I’ll just do a bulk search and replace in this folder, nothing complicated.”

    Stupid things developers say… Here we go…

    Just came out from a virtual meeting, where the chairs of the physical meeting room on the other side weren’t the simple ones you normally see, but real comfy looking ones. That might not work for me 😴

    The one and only thing I like in Teams over Meet or Slack: the ability to pullout the ongoing presentation to a separate window; and overall call quality and features. It’s the rest that annoys me… Enough of deep thoughts for a Monday morning. Have a nice week!

    Aquele clássico da Feira da Luz!

    🏎️ Verstappen on the lead building a gap, Perez getting close to the front.

    I’ve seen this movie before, going to take a look at the world outside…

    Arriving home just before starting to rain, that’s what I call good timing. Now time to chill and enjoy today’s #F1 race..

    O crl! 25 de Abril faxavor!!

    Ponte de Salazar

    Kind of early rise to shoot photos, but first ☕

    Uma das minhas grandes frustrações ao nível de concertos foi há uns 20 anos atrás ir ver Björk ao Meco, e perder uma boa parte do concerto no trânsito para lá chegar. Ao menos estava a passar na rádio e ouvia o que estava a perder… Ontem pude ficar um pouco mais em paz com isso 😊

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