Geek stuff
A bit by chance (a friend visiting Tirana a week before me) I was able to catch this exhibit, and it was an amazing record of one of the wackiest periods in modern Europe: Albania in the 90s.
People, you’re all wrong! Dummy was release the other day, like a few weeks ago.
Seems like it’s easier to migrate data from a competitor into, than to move data between two different accounts in based in different regions. Oh, I love Mondays…
Noticed some some products strategically place nearby in Trump’s speeches. Do they have product placement now?
Afternoon full of meetings, should’ve asked for double espresso…

Neste périplo aos Balcãs a viagem foi 100% feita na Lufthansa. E com 100% desses voos atrasados, todos eles, incluindo aquele que perdi em Frankfurt. Bendita eficiência alemã…
“Known as hypostress, this form of stress occurs when we aren’t being challenged enough by our environment.”
Vacations also mean being able to finally close things…

Always drink the local beer!
Bitola, North Macedonia.

A malta fala, e com razão, que os espanhóis enchem as ruas, mas os macedónios não ficam atrás: novos, velhos, famílias, esplanadas, bancos de jardim, gente por todo o lado, e zero turistas..

Fact: in North Macedonia they don’t know how to serve G&T. No ice, some just bring you the tonic separately, and so on…

Lunching by a lake, on a summer day, while listening to even softer versions of soft rock. Yeah… Feeling lazy.
Always drink the local beer 🇲🇰

All this thing of using Arc Browser for Windows was fun while it lasted, now it doesn’t start at all, regardless of how many times I’m reinstalling it or deleting the profile folder. Not putting more energy on this, going back to Firefox.
I’m so, so used to launching a terminal window in Linux using Ctrl-Alt-T that often I do the same in Windows and remain waiting for that half-second until I remember I don’t have that shortcut.
Selecção Nacional, essa coisa linda onde as vitórias são por causa dos jogadores do meu clube mas as derrotas são culpa dos jogadores dos outros.
Before the Euro some algorithm picked England as the clear favorite to win. Have no idea how it got there, because their lame football surprises exactly zero people. ⚽
O Boucherie deveria ser aquele tipo de gajo que se apanhasse um 25 de Abril pela manhã a reação seria “Só faltava esta, desviem lá os tanques que eu quero trabalhar”.
“A extrema-esquerda não nos deixava ter aulas e eu queria ter aulas, queria aprender”
A terminar de ver o último episódio d' “A Conspiração”, que documento histórico do caraças!!
I love receiving packages earlier than expected, but when they say the expected delivery date is a week from now I’m not expecting to receive a text message saying it will be delivered today. At some point throughout the day…