Were these tourists journalists, dissidents or just people with opinion? Asking for a friend…

“Six feared dead after tourist submarine sinks in Egypt as embassy says all passengers Russian”

Ui, o fadista monárquico chateou-se com o resto da grupeta.

I was fortunate to follow Maria’s project from afar, in exhibits or talks, and every time I felt touched by it. Seeing it awarded in World Press Photo truly makes me happy. Congratulations!


People walking around in airport lounges with neck pillows is a bit silly, but ok, I do get it. People walking around with those downtown is just stupid. Even if you came from the airport.

O Ventura aparentemente quer todos os debates dele em canal aberto, e um só com ele, o Montenegro e o PNS. E como os media lhe fazem as vontadinhas todas na volta ainda lhe fazem esta.

Portugal sai vivo de um jogo na Dinamarca onde podia ter perdido por uns 3 golos, e na 2ª mão empata a eliminatória com um auto-golo. Isto é mesmo o tipo de sorte que ganha títulos ⚽🏆.

When you have to stop to enjoy the view. Flashbacks from Huemul and the Southern Patagonian ice field.

A backpack and trekking poles rest on rocky terrain overlooking a vast, rugged glacier with distant mountains under a cloudy sky.

Rainy Sundays means being able to get my photo culling going, which is a good thing. But it also means getting a bit nostalgic when going through all those, like this snap from my phone of that sunny Sunday match afternoon at Arsenal Sarandi.

A group of soccer fans enthusiastically wave flags and umbrellas in the stands, overlooking a soccer field.

Fact: I really want a Fuji GFX100RF! Still… That aspect ratio dial feels like a gimmick.

Josef Koudelka, in the presentation of the GFX100RF, sharing some bits of wisdom between all the marketing stuff: the secret to good photography is good shoes!

Wow, the new Fuji GFX100RF is really small!

Já que está dissolvido não precisam ir todos, sei lá, aqueles que nem apreciam o dia…

Parlamento vai celebrar o 25 de Abril “como todos os anos” | Assembleia da República | PÚBLICO

And some people say History does not repeat it self…

“History Professor Answers Dictator Questions | Tech Support

Not going anywhere, it’s raining outside…

A computer screen shows a progress update at 76% completion with the message, "Please keep your computer on."

Hoje o carteiro não trouxe só continhas para pagar! A KioskZine com o “Heaven” do António Pedrosa.

All champion banners damaged, and to make things worse: all because of the show of a pile of 💩 of a band…


Suddenly everyone decided to start selling lenses from disposable cameras packaged for mirorless cameras?

Há exatamente cinco anos o Miguel A. Lopes lançava o desafio num grupo de WhatsApp, com dezenas e dezenas de fotógrafos, e esta foto do Gonçalo Borges Dias abria o EverydayCovid. Passado uns dias começavam as sessões de Zoom diárias para ir escolhendo o material que chegava (juntamente com o Ângelo Lucas, André Dias Nobre, Gonçalo Delgado, Rui Miguel Pedrosa e Rui Soares), depois o livro, as exposições e por aí fora. Muita coisa feita por imensa gente talentosa. Parece que foi ontem, mas ao mesmo tempo noutra vida.


“Shoot a thousand stars over me Love to come home You’ve arrested a knight” “Deer Stop” - Goldfrapp

Raindrops cover a window, with blurred lights visible in the background.

A Madalena Boto mais uma vez a fazer a fazer magia, agora a documentar vida selvagem em plena Lisboa.

…passa na RTP em breve!

Five people are sitting on stage in front of a screen displaying a sailboat with the text "LISBOA OUTRAS FORMAS DE VIDA."